fused glass rennie mackintosh

Paul Mc Garrie

Professional member Ayrshire Kiln GlassHot Glass

Fused glass i just love creating with glass sheets , frit and powders


Based in North Ayrshire , Isle of Arran ,About 10 years ago i bought a kiln to start a hobby WOW was i wrong about that turned quickly into a obsession very very quickly, but my journey started slowly as being self-taught i had a lot to learnĀ  , but enjoyed every moment opening the kiln to see what worked and what didn’t was a rush , even when things failed i learned more from them , and just kept growing and trying new ideas , and after 10 years i am still trying new things to see where this can take me , i am on the Isle of Arran Art Trail and my studio is open all year round , so if visiting the island pop by and say hi .

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paul mc garrie