Marta Sienkiewicz

Professional member Highlands Architectural GlassKiln Glassstained glass

stained glass artist and conservator


Painting keeps challenging me. Studying glass art for years I got concerned that only the matter of glass gives me such a range of possibilities to paint with colour and light! To show the capacity of painting with such a rich tint and all the translucent shades. To describe the delicate emotions and feelings with the light filtered by a glass hue. To build the ultra sensitive visual worlds of my memories and explore my internal landscape. I ascertained that by painting one stained glass window I could create the whole interior atmosphere. And still cannot find medium giving me more freedom for creation…

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  • 2016

    • Alchemy, Tatha Gallery, Newport-on-Tay, Scotland, UK
  • 2015

    • Terra Incognita et Aqua Explicata, Porcelain Museum, Wałbrzych, Poland
  • 2014

    • Across The Water, Museum of Prudnik’s Land, Prudnik, Poland
  • 2013

    • Festival Du Verre 2013, Gallery du verre, Asselborn, Luxembourg
  • 2012

    • Space Between Us, Kunsthaus, Wiesbaden, Germany
    • 4 Sides of Glass, BWA Gallery, Wrocław, Ostrów Wlkp., Leszno
  • 2011

    • Voice of Glass 11, Latvija Makslas Akademia Gallery, Riga, Latvia