Picture shows head and shoulders of Rosemary. She is a woman with long brown hair and glasses. She is smiling.

Rosemary James-Beith

Glasgow Supporter/ non maker

Research and Development Consultant / Graduate Teaching Assistant / Doctoral Researcher


I am a freelance researcher and development consultant working with cultural organisations in Scotland. In the last four years my work has increasingly focused on the craft sector, including supporting the development of MAKE and its Committee of makers. In 2021 I worked with Craft Scotland and MAKE to review craft and making education in Scotland, authoring the MAKE Learn Report, alongside ten new case studies.

I am currently undertaking a 3-year funded PhD at the University of Glasgow’s Centre for Cultural Policy Research. My research focuses on exploring the ways in which makers self-organise and support each other in associations, societies and networks in Scotland. Alongside a survey of makers, and interviews with policy makers and others, I will be participating with Applied Arts Scotland, the Scottish Furniture Makers Association and the Scottish Glass Society over 2023 to develop case studies. What does it take to thrive as a maker in Scotland today? And how do these points of connection contribute?

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